Moncef Ben M'rad

Moncef Ben M'rad, journalist, filmmaker and writer, born April 2, 1943 in Hammam-Lif in Tunisia, is the founder of the newspaper Akhbar Al Jomhouria. He studied philosophy and psychology in Tunisia and France. He also founded in 1979, together with Taieb Zahar - his nephew - the weekly Réalités, published by the Maghreb Media Group, which he left later. During the 70s, he was the president of the Federation of Film Societies and active member of the federation of amateur filmmakers from Tunisia. In the 70s, he made three short films: "Une ombre est passée" ; "Le roi" ; "Karim et la mer" and a professional short film "Confessions d'un cannibale." In 2005 he was awarded the "Golden Comar" for his novel "les Lumières de Nejma". In 2008 he wrote, directed and produced a short film called "La danse des cimetières". In 2015, he wrote a book in memory of the struggle of Tunisian women "Tunisiennes et révolution- le combat des femmes." On 15 April 2011, he was elected, President of the Tunisian Association of Newspaper Editors (FTDJ), a post he held until 2013. Currently he is the owner, general manager and editor of the newspaper Akhbar al Jomhouria.
Family & Friends
Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends
dauther of Moncef Ben M'rad
son of Moncef Ben M'rad
nephew of Moncef Ben M'rad
She is the wife of Kais Ben M'rad's, nephew of Moncef Ben M'rad. She is a journalist who worked in print media (including Al Akhabr Jomhouria), radio and television (Hannibal TV). In 2012 she was named CEO of the Tunisian television. Most recently she worked at TAP, where she is on leave. She is also manager of the company IB COM PROD.
Further Information
C. Ben M’rad, interview, May 2, 2016
C. Ben M’rad, email, May, 2016
C. Ben M'rad (2016), questionnaire, available upon request
JORT (2006), Annonce au journal N° 22 du 17 mars 2006, Identifiant de l'annonce : 2006T01501SURLB1